Friday, December 4, 2015

Merry Christmas! Today we are going to talk about what we want for Christmas. I want for Christmas is legos and shoes. Let me know what you want for Christmas.     
Image result for a gift wrapped christmas


  1. Dear Sydney,
    This is Jackson I love Christmas my list includes
    Iphone 6 S
    C.O.D AW season pass
    pillow and blanket
    and a bit of cloths for my stuffed animal curious george
    thanks for making this post love it bye.

  2. Dear Sydney,
    I love christmas it's amazing
    and Merry Christmas.
    Love- Shiloh

  3. Hi Sydney, X-Mas has already happened in 2015 but this year (2016) I want the following.

    1: A mac book air
    2: Anything Dragon
    3: Pokemon
    4: A Lego set
    5: Books
    6: and more!

    From Marisa (kid wish) ^-^
